FlexCare™ – Industry-Leading LED Display Warranty
A Comprehensive Service Solution to Ensure Maximum Success of your DisplayNanolumens Total Care Package
Nixel to Pixel Warranty
The Nanolumens Nixel to Pixel Warranty provides comprehensive coverage for every pixel in a display, ensuring peak performance throughout the warranty period. With full parts and labor included, any failed pixel or Nixel is repaired or replaced at no cost, reflecting Nanolumens’ commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.
Pre-Contract Design
Our Special Projects Group offers a comprehensive range of services, from initial concept development, through detailed system design and prototyping.
The NanoDesigner Room Configurator is the online visualization tool created to make it easy for anyone who wants to build out their desired dvLED wall, determine the best Nanolumens products for the space and see what it will look like in an outdoor or indoor environment.
World-Class Products
We are committed to staying at the forefront of this rapidly-evolving industry.
We provide the only 6-year Nixel to Pixel warranty in the industry because we are confient in our dvLED products’ quality and reliability.
Service Programs
To help you monitor your display performance, Nanolumens offers our NanoSuite* remote monitoring platform, built to work within the ISAAC® platform. Users can monitor, control and schedule their displays, review historical performance, and troubleshoot from the single interface.
AEC Special Projects Group
FlexCare SLA
Post-Installation Packages
Help Desk Phone
Monday-Friday, 8am-8pm ET PLUS 24 Hour Pre-Scheduled Remote Support
Remote Support PLUS NanoSuite Troubleshooting
On-Site Service
Nanolumens representative available within 72 Hours of logged issue.
Warranty Shipping
Advance Swap
Shipping Cost
Round Trip Shipping Included
Annual Preventative Maintenance
Additional Services
Technical SupportCalibration / Display Relocation / Module Repair / Display Cleaning / Dust Remediation / On-Site Training