

A bold new look that draws the eye — and a crowd.

Stand out loud and clear from the competition with show-stopping displays that light up the casino floor, accent architecture, and create an immersive gaming experience.
Control Rooms
Operation Displays
Digital Art

Become A Moment Maker

Create a destination with extraordinary digital visuals for people to experience your space creating a sensational social media backdrop.

Be THE Sports Book

Take your Sportsbook to another level with stunning displays that create a game like experience and keep them coming back.

Optimize Wayfinding

Digital displays make navigating your property easy and efficient for guests

Always on. Always Prepared.

Premium designs and real time alerts ensure maximum up time and optimum display performance .

Transformingthe journey

Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino

Niagra Falls, NY

Red Rock Casino

Las Vegas, NV

The Palms – KAOS Nightclub

Las Vegas, Nevada

Winstar Casino

Thankerville, OK

Aristocrat Gaming – Slot Machine Toppers

Las Vegas, Nevada

Experience Vegas

Las Vegas, Nevada
Learn & Plan

Schedule your free consultation today.

  • Local customer support
  • Industry leading warranty
  • Designed and assembled in the USA
  • TAA-compliant products
Free Consultation

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Get started on a project, discuss capabilities or just learn more about Nanolumens LED technology.